Avoid long lines pay your Meralco bill on GCash

It is bad enough that you get your Meralco Bill and see an unpleasant or a preposterous graph which shows your electric consumption increase 400% - 500% of your previous consumption. Equally frustrating is the long queue of line that you need to go through just to pay an unacceptable electric billing. A colleague, Mr. Jericho Buenaventura even started as early as 6:00 AM and was only able to pay at about 12:00 PM. Every time we pass by, I can see the long queue from Dr. Sixto Avenue to Dr. Pilapil Street reaching Afable. People with their personal protective equipment toe the line under the sun while trying to maintain social distancing. Thank God for GCash, I was able to avoid the inconvenient circumstances of paying my expensive electric bill. Using GCash I was able to pay my Total Current Amount by using my Meralco Reference No. in the GCash Pay Bills Module. In a matter minutes, I have paid my electric bill on a Sunday without even taking a step ...